Why Ashford Window Repair May Be More Dangerous Than You Thought

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Why It's Better to Repair Your Windows Instead of Replacing Them

UPVC aluminum and double-glazed windows made of wood and doors that have been repaired in Ashford and surrounding areas. Repairing a window rather than replacing it can save money and prevent damage to the historic fabric of the building.

Conducting an inspection of the windows and establishing an annual window schedule can help prioritize repairs. Caulking and weatherstripping can also reduce double glazing ashford .


The frames of UPVC windows and doors are an important part of the aesthetic of your home or office. If they become damaged or shabby, it will detract from the overall appearance of your property and make it appear shabby. Regular maintenance and repairs will ensure that your UPVC windows and doors remain attractive and functional.

Window and door frames are made from a range of materials such as aluminium, wood and uPVC. Although they are designed to be resistant to the weather, with time, they can become damaged due to age and environmental elements. If you see signs of deterioration, it is essential to repair them immediately. This will protect your investment and prolong their lifespan.

It is also recommended to repaint your UPVC windows and doors to keep them looking brand new. This is a simple and cost effective solution that can improve the overall look of your property. In addition, it will ensure that your UPVC windows from the effects of moisture and temperature variations.

We specialize in UPVC Spray Painting to create factory-finished and a large selection of RAL colors, from pastel to vibrant shades. We can also provide Flame Control fire resistant paints to ensure that your building is in compliance with fire regulations. Our roller shutter and cladding spraying services are ideal for commercial buildings that wish to create a memorable first impression and attract more business. We can transform your shutters and cladding into an attractive, modern look that will make your business stand out.


The type of glass used in windows can have a significant impact on how windows operate. It is crucial to find a glazier with expertise working with different kinds of glass. This will ensure that your windows are in good condition and are able to stand up to the elements. This can help to reduce the risk of damage and prolong the lifespan of your windows.

A professional glazier can repair or replace broken parts on your windows and door, such as handles hinges, latches, and hinges. They may also re-glaze window panes to stop condensation and make them appear like new. They can work with various types of glass, including safety glass and laminated glass, Georgian or stained glass effects as well as lead and toughened glass.

They can also repair or upgrade your windows to low energy u-v light filtering glazing that can prevent cold draughts and reduce the cost of heating. This is especially useful for older homes where windows may have lost their initial efficiency over time. These services can be performed on UPVC aluminum, wood and double-glazed windows, conservatories, patio doors and porches.


You could lose money due to air leaks, especially during winter. Weather stripping can reduce or eliminate these leaks, but you need to choose the correct material. Weatherstripping that's damaged or sagging will not be as effective and could cost you more.

An effective way to determine whether you require new weatherstripping is to conduct an experiment with moisture. On a wet, cold day, run your hand along the edge of your door or window. If your hand feels cool, outside air has made its way into your home around the edges of your window or door (although other factors may also be at play).

You can install weatherstripping yourself by using self-sticking plastic (vinyl) spring bronze or tubular vinyl gaskets. This tape is available in a range of widths and thicknesses so it's perfect for sizing gaps that aren't standard.

The best option will depend on your needs and the material of your window. For instance the wood-framed or steel-framed glass window may benefit from gaskets with a nail-on design made of spring bronze or high-performance polyethylene. However an aluminum- or steel-framed glass window may be better suited to gaskets made of tubular rubber. These types can be found in hardware or home improvement stores. They are usually easy to install.

You can repair the glazing putty in wooden window frames on your own or by hiring a professional. If the putty is cracked or crumbling, clean and sand the area and then apply a new coat of putty using the oil of linseed.

Another option is to press in rope caulk ($7 from The Home Depot). Use a utility blade or your fingers to cut and smooth out the caulk. Beware of any tool that could make it smear. You can't open the window once the caulk has dried, so you must remove it in spring.


The lock itself is the piece of compact mechanical engineering that converts rotary (turning) motion of the key into reciprocal (back-and-forth) motion that locks or opens something. It's a simple cylinder-shaped lock with a pin stack within the body of the lock. A spring pushes down the pins when you insert the keys and a cam rotates the plug when you turn the key. Some locks utilize additional pins to take master keys.

Begin by looking at the lock to determine if there are any anti-drill measures, like a faceplate that is hardened on the pin or springs that make it difficult for you to drill through the cylinder. If there aren't any such measures then you can begin by drilling a small hole in the plug to allow it to be released. Keep the pressure constant and position the drill bit at the centre of key slot to avoid damaging any part of mechanism.

It is important to know the direction in which the plug is supposed to be rotating for euro cylinders. The easiest way to do this is to use a tension wrench, which is fitted with its smaller end in the keyhole's slit and the bigger end positioned against the body of the cylinder. If the lock is intended to rotate left, for example using the wrench in this way will let you feel which pins are harder to lift up than others, and which are most difficult to push up.